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The Defendant is a new publication on John Brown University's campus promoting diversity of thought and healthy dialogue. Sponsored by the JBU Philosophy Club, the Defendant functions as a free thought forum. Thus, the views expressed in the articles do do not represent those of JBU, the Defendant, or its editorial staff.



Coby Dolloff


Coby Dolloff is a senior English major from Branson, Missouri, who serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the Defendant. He is passionate about the Gospel, the sport of basketball, and anything written by G.K. Chesterton. In his spare time, you can find him working as an Orientation Director, yelling like an idiot in the student section of a JBU sports game, or watching high-quality, culturally-informed television, such as Seinfeld or The Office. He aspires to one day write satire news for The Babylon Bee. Or become an astronaut. Or write satire news from space. Only time will tell.

Caroline White

Managing Editor

Caroline White, a senior English and history major from Tulsa, Oklahoma, is Managing Editor of the Defendant. She is literature's number-one fan and is pretty opinionated about office supplies, as well. In her spare time, she can be found chopping vegetables, taking walks, or thinking too hard about punctuation marks.

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