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Tips to Scoring an Awesome Internship

It may only be the end of fall semester, but now is the perfect time to begin thinking about internships for next summer. Competition for internships is fierce, but if you start now, you can take the steps necessary to enhance your chances of landing your dream internship. Here are six simple steps to score an awesome internship.

1. Start Early

Many people wait until just before summer to begin applying for internships, but by this point, all of the best internship programs are already filled. Don’t miss out. Start your internship search now. Many internships have applications due as early as November. To ensure that you have plenty of time to get your applications and documents (transcripts, letters of recommendations, essays, etc.) submitted, start now! It will lesson the stress that you feel later.

2. Make Some Decisions

There is a lot to consider when deciding on an internship. Here are some things you should bear in mind in order to find the right internship for you.

  • The Pay: Are you willing to accept an unpaid internship?

  • Your skills, personality, and interests: You want an internship that is a good fit for you, but you also want to work for a company that suits your needs. Starting with a self-evaluation will prove beneficial as you start the internship search. What are your skills? What are you passionate about? Do you like to work independently or with a team? Who are you and what do you want out of an internship?

  • Location: Are you willing to relocate?

3. Be On The Lookout For Opportunities

Once you’ve narrowed down what kind of internship you would be interested in, you can begin to search for available opportunities. There are several really great resources to aid in the internship search. Consider the following:

  • Websites: Websites like,,, and can be great places to start your internship search. Simply enter your desired field and location, and internship opportunities will appear.

  • JBU Career Development Center: The Career Development Center is a great resource to take advantage of. The CDC is happy to help you in your internship search. They will review your resume and cover letters, help you locate internships that fit you, and will even help you fill out your applications. The Career Development Center also hosts the JBU Career Fair in both the fall and spring semesters. This is the perfect opportunity to connect with companies and discover new opportunities.

  • Company Websites: Not all companies advertise their internship opportunities. If there is a company you wish to work for, visit their website.

  • Your Contacts: Look over your contacts. Companies will often hire someone they know if possible. If you have a contact within an organization, reach out and let them know you’re interested in an internship!

4. Perfect Your Resume

Having a clean and clear resume is essential. Proofread your resume for any errors. In addition, have several people review it. Also, be sure to customize each resume and cover letter for the specific position. Companies receive hundred of resumes. By customizing your resume to the position, you can assure that yours will stand out.

5. Prepare For Your Interviews

If you’re lucky enough to score an interview with a company, study up! Potential interns who get noticed in an interview are the ones who know their information, so put in the time and do the research. Learn the company’s mission statement and values. Know their product. Read the description of what and who they're looking for, and tie all this information into your answers. Also, make sure you look and sound professional and confident.

6. Follow Up

After an interview, be sure to send a thank-you email within the first 48 hours. But also follow up within a week to two weeks to inquire about the status and next steps. Following up after your interview leaves a good impression in your interviewer’s mind, and it shows your potential employer that you are serious about the position.

Applying for internships can be stressful and overwhelming, but if you start now and put effort into each one of your applications, your dream internship could be on its way to becoming a reality.

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